Minggu, 28 Mei 2017

Describe Something In Specific

Gili Trawangan

   Gili is derived from Sasak language (Lombok Island native tribal language) which means small island. Actually there are several Gili / dykes around the island of Lombok, yet there are three dykes that are known by tourists, namely Gili TrawanganGili Air and Gili Meno.
  Among the three dykes, the Gili Trawangan is the largest, well-known and the most complete amenities. Gili Trawangan is located in the northwest of the island of Lombok. Administratively, Gili Trawangan includes in the territory of the village of Gili Indah, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara province.
 Gili Trawangan has several beaches with very beautiful views. Most beaches have blue tosca and clear sea water. The sand there is also soft with white color. On the west side of the island, you can get the beach atmosphere which is quiet and calm enough. But there, the sand is slightly coarser than the sand of the beach which is in the southeast of the island. Even though, this island looks pretty green with many pine trees, acacia, and coconut trees that beautify the shoreline.



Pengertian, contoh dan rumus causative have/make

A.    Causative have 
adalah sebuah susunan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang mempunyai arti menyuruh, meminta, bahkan memaksa orang lain melakukan sesuatu. Dalam bahasa Inggris causative have bisa nggunakan kata HAVE, MAKE, GET, dan LET.

Causative have dibedakan menjadi 2, aktif dan pasif.
1. Causative have dalam kalimat aktif.
Rumus causative have dalam kalimat aktif

Rumus: Subject + HAVE + Object 1 + Verb 1 + Object 2
I have my sister cook friend rice = Saya menyuruh adik saya memasak nasi goreng

Dalam kalimat diatas, causative have diterapakan pada kalimat aktif. Dalam artian saya (subject) meminta adik saya (object) untuk memasak nasi goreng. Ingat setelah object, verb 1 (cook) harus dipakai.

2.  Causative have dalam kalimat pasive
Rumus causative have dalam kalimat pasif

Rumus: Subject + HAVE + Object 2 + Verb 3
I have friend rice cooked = Saya minta nasi goreng dimasakan.

Dalam kalimat diatas, causative have digunakan pada kaliamt pasif. Ini berarti Object pertama tidak perlu disebutkan alias tidak diketahui siapa yang diminta melakukan kegiatan itu. Ingat setelah object Verb 3 (cooked) harus digunakan.

B.   Causative Make
Kata causative “make” hanya dapat diaplikasikan pada kalimat active (active clause). Make memiliki makna yang lebih kuat daripada have atau get.

Rumus:  Subject + Make + Object + V1

Contoh penerapan causative “make” dalam kalimat:

a. The robber made the teller give hime the money.
(Perampok membuat petugas teller memberikan uangnya)

Catatan :
Kalimat tersebut sama dengan artinya “the robbers forced the teller to give him the money”
(Perampok memaksa petugas teller memberikan uangnya)

b. The manager made the employee attend the meeting.
(Manager meminta/memaksa karyawan menghadiri pertemuan itu)

c. The teacher always makes the children stay in their seats.
(Guru selalu memaksa/meminta anak anak tetap tinggal di tempat duduknya)